The Caleb STEAM Hub is to inspire, promote and celebrate the innovative ideas and creativity of the CBIS students and connect them with some best thinkers and innovators around the world.
By 2030, the international community has agreed to ensure that all learners acquire the knowledge and skills needed to promote sustainable development, including global citizenship.
STEAM stands for science, technology, engineering, arts, and math. It is an interdisciplinary learning approach that enables learners to integrate multiple fields of studies for creative, innovative and critical problem-solving.
Consequence upon the above, the Caleb STEAM Hub is to explore the holistic and intercultural integration of global citizenship into STEAM education that enables students to solve their community issues. It is a Mentor-Protégé programme in which selected teachers will mentor some students in each components of STEAM: Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics.
The overall objective is for the CBIS students to participate in, and contribute to, contemporary global issues at local, national and global levels as informed, engaged, responsible and responsive global citizens.


The objectives are to:
  1. Empowers CBIS students to  proactively  participate  in  resolving  challenges  around  them  as  well   as  larger  society with  compassion  for  others  and  respect  for  human  dignity,  local   cultures,   and  knowledge systems.
  2. Develop the core competencies which allow CBIS students to actively engage with the world, and help to make it a more just and sustainable place.
  3. Encourage CBIS students to take action themselves in the UN Sustainable Development Goals
  4. Build more just, prosperous, and inclusive societies by empowering CBIS students and offering them access to quality education and information.
  5. prepare CBIS students for their life after secondary school


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